22 October 2016

Biggest Loser

Wanna lose weight? Well, I've got the perfect antidote. Just have your husband conveniently lose his job and that should take care of it.

True story. Happened to me this week. I'm down two pounds. Some people head for the refrigerator when the hurricane hits and I lock it to keep the vulturous children at bay. We're battening down the hatches and are looking for ways to ride this storm out.

It's been somewhat of a roller coaster ride these past two weeks. One week Kiersten secured a scholarship to Utah State University,  a presidential scholarship that pays for tuition and fees for four years awarded to her on the spot, and the next week I'm thinking that $27000 could really come in handy.

I've tried to have faith and hope and optimism. And then my human side surfaces with my tears and fears and more tears. (Hey Tears for Fears . . . isn't that some kind of '80s rock group?) I won't lie. It's been a tumultuous week as life as we know it imploded.

I try to look at the bright side and see that his termination could have been immediately. At least they are giving him until the end of the year. I've kept my food storage pretty constant so we can live off that for awhile, along with my meager paychecks.

God is good and very much at the helm. We're stepping out in the dark, battling some big unknowns. That is what faith is made of.

Are we going to let fear guide the way or faith?

Pray for us? We need all those heaven-sent petitions.

Oh, and if you know of any retirement/401k/pension jobs . . .ya, we're kind of in need of one of those too.

These are the days of . . . 
*tears and lots of them

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