14 October 2013

Playing hooky with my girls

Well there goes Kiersten and Ashlyn's perfect attendance awards. Shame on their mother!

Last week my nephew turned one and of course Grandma needed to celebrate and invited me and Alex along to go with her and my other sister to Logan.

Kiersten casually mentioned 10 minutes before catching the bus that maybe she should come too.

I didn't have to think too long and agreed to let her sluff school with me.

Ash got wind of our "girl party" and wanted in on the action . . . so we left Alex home and commenced our journey to Logan.

Sometimes I forget my camera and I get really bummed. So these are the only pictures I got (from my SIL) of our random, spontaneous, all-day jaunt to see family.
It was the most beautiful day and so glad we went. We got takeout and had a picnic at this fun park. Kiersten made a 3-year-old friend who pretty much idolized her. Can you blame him? She played with him for a good 30 minutes and even introduced her to his mom. As we were leaving, the mom stopped me to tell me what an awesome daughter I had and how nice she was to entertain her son.

Spontaneity used to kill me. I felt like in order for me to leave the house, I needed everything done and clean. But I've changed my ways. Spontaneous outings are such a good thing, especially when it involves my kids.

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