turned two yesterday.
because I was heading out of town for my 2nd half marathon with these lovely ladies (minus Katie who ran fast in order to hurry home for a date. Priorities, Kate. Priorities.).
But I think he had a small inkling of what his day was all about, even if his mean old mom made him take a nap. After singing to him to get him up in the morning, he raced to the family room and pointed at the presents. He had work to do!
And if you're ever wondering what a two year old likes, well this particular two year old loved the singing/dancing birthday card. He opened it and opened it and opened it, over and over.
In racing news (which for me isn't really racing; I just run to run) I managed to shave 7 minutes off my time from last year. You knew we didn't get much sleep last night when we all got giggly over stealing safety pins in order to better our chances of winning. I think we were all a little ready to have this race over, but I sure had fun hanging out the night before and while we waited at the start line. I also met up with my good friend Sara around mile 2 or 3 on the course and gave her a quick hug. She has been such an inspiration to those around her in losing around 70 pounds. She looks fantastic and I'm sure she feels that way too.
After the race my children and husband walked and I hobbled around the zoo to celebrate Baby Loaf's birthday. The new Rocky Shores exhibit rocked with its seals and sea lions and polar bears and grizzly bears and bald eagles and a walrus. But after battling hordes of people and 100 degree weather, we were all done and called it a day.
I still can't believe my baby is two. He has been a complete joy to our family.
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