21 June 2010

Tomorrow's the day . . . hopefully

I add hopefully because with Ashlyn I was scheduled to be induced on the 19th of March and the hospital put me off for two days because they were so busy. I hope that doesn't happen tomorrow, but I am mentally prepared if it does.

Last Friday was the annual Leary reunion at Manor Lands in the Uintahs. My kids really wanted to go; I really wanted to go; I don't think Tyler was too keen on the idea of me going and possibly going into labor 1 1/2 hours from our hospital. The day before, I had an appointment with my doctor's nurse (Cindy) since Dr. Cannon was out of town for the week. Cindy was the NICEST and I walked away wishing she were my doctor. Not that I don't like Dr. Cannon but Dr. Cannon is just a little more professional and is in and out quickly (which I don't mind either). Cindy took time to listen to my concerns of taking a day trip to the mountains when I'm already dilated to a 3+, 75% effaced, and the head is very low. We discussed it and she ho-hummed but thought I'd be okay.

Then she asked me if I was a religious person. And I said I was. She said, "Maybe you should ask Him if it's okay to take this trip." That caught me off guard and I'm a little embarrassed to admit that it took a health care professional to suggest the idea. We talked about an experience she had had that week with the Holy Ghost while with her bishop and young women just that week as they were hiking. I resolved to do that very thing when I got home. I told God that if this baby did not come during the night and I woke up feeling like I have every other morning then we were heading to the mountains for the day.

Friday morning I woke up feeling great. Tyler was still very nervous, but I reassured him that I had prayed about it and felt okay with our decision. We would leave the cabin if I felt we needed to and we also scouted out all the hospital exits along the way (not that I wanted to have this baby in Evanston!).

It was a fabulous day. And I'm so glad we went. My kids were glad we went. I even think Ty was glad we went: the fishing was the best it's ever been at Whitney Reservoir.
*I thought this picture that Ty's dad took was pretty funny. Is he feeling sympathetic or what?

A side note:
Our house has some walls. It's been exciting to watch the progress move so quickly in just 3 weeks.

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

I can't wait to see pictures of him! Cool story!