14 January 2010

A nesting instinct?

I have been on a roll this week. It all started with my bathroom that was badly in need of a cleaning. I don't even want to mention how long it's been since I last cleaned it. Nothing feels better than a clean bathroom. Then I tackled the toy room while ALL the children were out of the house. I threw away; I hauled away; I put away; I hooked up the old monitor that's been sitting on the floor for ages. That took me all of 5 minutes so why didn't I do it before now. I don't know. Anyway, it felt wonderful. Today I tackled some of my closet and had high aims of getting to my filing drawer and purging all the old stuff until an offer of a hot lunch date came my way. Maybe tomorrow.

I don't know if this sudden urge to clean and dejunk is because a new year is upon me and I always get excited to start a new year clean and clutter-free. Or maybe it's the thought of moving and who wants to move more stuff than they have to. Or then again, maybe it's that old nesting instinct that comes to a woman before she brings home a new baby. I doubt it's that. I still have 5 months to go! Whatever it is, I hope this energy stays with me for a few days. I have boxes of books to go through and papers to sort and Tyler's office . . . well that might take me more than a few days.
On a funny note: Ash came into my room tonight to tell me, "I don't believe in Elmo anymore." What! You mean Elmo isn't real. I never thought Elmo was right up there with Santa and the Tooth Fairy. I guess in Ashie's world, he was just as life-like.


Angie said...

I just dejunked my filing cabinet this week as well..... I just hope I don't need some of the stuff I thought I didn't need when I was throwing it away.

And don't tell Makayla that Elmo isn't real....She still loves him dearly!

Seamons Family said...

Elmo is real because Bert is his friend--Elmo's other name just happens to be Natalie!

You must get the de-junking bug from your mother problem is I love to hold on to really old bills like our first house at %8 for $32,000! And we thought times were tough now!

Missy said...

Ya, I found several receipts . . . like one from the rocking chair and crib. Don't know why I held on to those. Some things are fun to hold onto like first paychecks and such.

mommaquincy said...

Sounds like a good trend! I need to do the same thing and we aren't moving!