10 January 2010

Jr. Jazz has officially started

For the past couple of weeks Tyler and I have been running the kids back and forth to Jr. Jazz basketball practices. Last year Kiersten and Erik played; this year we threw Nate into the mix. And speaking of practices I'm a little perturbed that Kiersten got placed on a Tooele team instead of a Stansbury team. Ty and I both tried to rectify the situation, but no one would return our calls. So we are stuck taking her to Tooele every week for practice. At least she's enjoying it.

Yesterday was our first game day as spectators for the 2010 season and Nate's first game ever. All three kids won their games easily with all three scoring the first points for their teams. Nate astounded us by how good he was. A lot of kids his age will double dribble, run with the ball, shoot from miles away. Nate dribbled well, took it to the hole a couple of times, and scored 12 of his team's 32 points. Erik wasn't that good at his age, but he's gotten progressively better each year. Erik played well scoring 14 of his team's 34 points, and Kiersten had 2 points and loved every minute of it.

During the last game which happened to be Kiersten's, Tyler and I looked at each other and asked, "What did we get ourselves into?" Three games every Saturday for the next 2 months. I'm looking forward to it even if it means my Saturdays are pretty much shot. I also remind myself that we allow our kids to play one sport a year in order to maintain our family mealtime together. They just all happen to want to play basketball which equals a couple of very busy months.


mommaquincy said...

Good luck with that! At least its indoors out of the weather!

Seamons Family said...

Hope to make it to some games--it brings back memories of the many games I watched and loved!

Missy said...

So far the kids have been doing great. I really think the sport court in the backyard has helped a lot.