24 February 2009

Family History Fun

5, 6, maybe 7 years ago I compiled all the family history info I had which included documents and photos and put them online. I've been overwhelmingly surprised by the response. It hasn't been a lot but I've received several emails from people who happened upon my site and were pleased to see stuff they hadn't seen before. I haven't done much in over a year. I'm starting to feel the bug again.

Dear Ms Leary I was fascinated to find your website dealing with family history (which I was kindly given a link to by Geoff Wright). I too am descended from Francis de la Mare and Jeanne Esther Ahier, through Philip's younger sister Sophia.

Hello, I ran across your web page while trying to locate information on an ancestor's family. You have a history of Joseph Croft Knowles, who married Clara Tacey Conrad in Logan.

Or, should I say Half-2nd Cousin once removed? My great-grandfather was Joseph Croft Knowles.My grand-father was his eldest son, Joseph Henry Knowles, and I'm the son of his youngest daughter, Joyce Allen Knowles.I stumbled upon your web page when searching to see if there were any photos of Joseph Croft Knowles on the Internet.

Hi Melissa
I was going through old photos today and found a photo set of a my great grandparents, Glen and Vera Vining. It included their wedding photo and a photo a number of years later, in a brown cardboard holder. My husband David did an Internet search for Vera Vining and found your site.You do have both of those photos and a number of family photos.

Hi, I just found your DeLaMare pictures when I googled Agnes McKendrick.

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

That's inspiring! I'll have to put some of Richard's stepdad's info online and see if I can get a response.