25 November 2007

Nemans, Hancogg, and Qua Quaf

You just hate to see your two-year-old get older (unless you're in the throes of the terrible twos, something I've seemed to have missed with all four kids). I love two. I've made my kids promise to never grow up, but they do it anyway.

Ashlyn is two, not quite three, and I've become her sounding board since Nate is no longer around in the morning. It is delightful to get a glance at the world as she sees it through her use of expressions and words. Nemans (pronounce the "e" as in egg and the "a" as in aloud) are M&Ms, hancogg is eggnog, and qua quaf (pronouce the "a" as in awesome) is a wash cloth.

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