01 May 2022


I don't even know where to start. 

I had a birthday. A winter birthday. Winter has shifted and taken over my birthday. I always thought I had a spring birthday but not anymore. We hiked Black Rock. Ash and Erik are at the top.

Ash had a birthday.

Ashlyn's birthday happened over spring break AGAIN. Our birthday spring break wouldn't be the same without a Ding Dong "birthday cake."

Spring break to Kanab. This trip was a little pricey. Bald tires + very bumpy road = BAD IDEA. BUT that slot canyon was worth the extra day delay and set of new tires. Buckskin Gulch was spectacular. Belly of the Dragon and Sand Caves were pretty cool too.

Ash got her wisdom teeth out. She's been the funniest so far coming off that anesthesia.

Nate is applying to BYU while on his mission. It hasn't been easy.

Alex had his early morning math competition.

I got to tour the new prison and brought my neighbors along.

I snagged tickets to the Sunday afternoon session of conference. Alex, Kiersten, and Jason tagged along.

Chickens hatched in my classroom, and this year we got to actually watch one hatch out. The other I had to help out after he struggled for more than a day.

This is basically what we did all day, every day for a few days. Watched chickens. My students were mesmerized.

I sent them home this past week and didn't realize the suffering that would cause to one student in particular. He had grown quite attached over the week and when the day came to give them away, he cried and cried and cried. His mom also moved out at the beginning of the school year, so it's been a rough year anyway. And then to "lose" his chicken. After school dad took him to the dollar store. That didn't help. Eventually they made it to Tractor Supply where he got his own little chick.

And that's a wrap for now. I'll sign off with one last photo of Ash and her prom date.

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