02 December 2021

Missionary + Experiences + Tender Mercies

Our missionary son doesn't call home much or write, so I love when I get little glimpses from other people. Nate's Grandma Laura has a cousin who is serving in his same mission and will keep me updated from time to time.

She says: Missy, your missionary is changing lives here, especially with the missionaries. He is such a hard worker, and his diligence and obedience blesses everyone that he woks with. He is making a difference! She basically mentioned the same thing in a letter to Grandma Laura that was forwarded to the entire Ellis family. "Your missionary serving here in the Colorado Denver North Mission, Elder Nathan Leary is one of our finest missionaries! And that is the truth. He has an extremely good work ethic, and his companions love him. He's making a difference here!"

He consistently challenges me to look for opportunities. One of my goals over the past couple of years has been to follow through on those little thoughts and promptings I get.

This week I did just that and couldn't wait to email or talk to Nate about it. This is where that little tender mercy comes in. Nate's p-day is usually Monday and it didn't surprise me when he didn't call. But on Wednesday, immediately after hanging up the phone from arranging a much-needed blessing for a neighbor, Nate called. I couldn't believe it. P-day got moved due to meetings on Monday. I was ecstatic to tell him of my missionary experience.

We came home from our Thanksgiving vacation and I had a thought that I needed to reach out to my neighbor about her upcoming surgery. I knew it was happening; I just didn't know when. She messaged me with these words: " Hi Missy. It's Thursday Dec 2nd and I stay all night then come home Friday. I start PT Monday morning. OUCH. I'm so scared. . . ." That was the part that really got me thinking.

I could have just sent back some encouraging words. But the spirit told me that this lady needed more. She might could use a blessing.

Now, a little background. I would never have guessed that she belonged to my faith, but she shows up on our records (there is another story there). We've been neighborly. I've gone walking with her and shared my produce. She's asked us to watch their yard. But she's never been one I thought might in the least be interested in any kind of religion. The book The Power of Everyday Missionaries taught me you can never predict who or who wouldn't be a good candidate; you always ask and invite. So that is exactly what I decided to do.

Wednesday morning I sent her a quick message, asking if she'd like a priesthood blessing. I explained that God wants to bless all of his children and that I've had several blessings in my lifetime that have brought comfort and peace to me, something I knew she was needing.

I sat . . . and sat . . . and sat with my finger on the send button. I was a bit nervous not knowing how she would take it.

I finally pushed send, shut my laptop lid, and went to work.

At lunchtime I checked my messages and there was one from her. Oh how I was a little scared to open it. But I did.

"Hi Missy. Yes. I would like one."

I couldn't believe what I was reading. I knew I had followed through on promptings from the past couple of days. It was such a good feeling to know that the Lord trusted me with an errand and I followed through.

After several texts and phone calls, I went with her ministering brother and a member of our stake presidency, both who live on the same street and two people she knew (although she did message me later about how grateful she was that I came with -- it helped her feel more comfortable). It was a beautiful experience, one I hope to talk with her more about. She has never had a priesthood blessing in her life, so the two men did a wonderful job explaining how the whole process worked.

The whole day was one of shock and excitement. I got a little glimpse of what a missionary must feel. And it's something we can all be a part of. It made me want to try a little harder.

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