11 July 2021

Growth or comfort?

There's no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone.

That simple little phrase pretty much sums up my pepper plants. It was also a topic of conversation at home with some of my siblings a few weeks ago.

This year Tyler and I experimented with starting seeds. We learned A LOT and know what to do differently next year. This year didn't go so well. Several of our pepper plants have done absolutely nothing since putting them in the ground. We've watered them and babied them and nothing. They are simply refusing to grow. I think they preferred to be back in the house where the sun didn't beat down so hot. We do have one pepper plant that is just starting to put out some peppers. That little plant thought growth might be worth it after all.

Growth is voluntary. No one can force someone else to change for the better without their permission, and when it comes to bettering yourself or your situation whether it be spiritual, financial, educational, you have to want it.

Growth is also intentional. What do you really want out of life? Who do you really want to become?

That comfort zone is an easy place to hang out. It's not scary. It doesn't require much effort or work. It feels good. It's also unproductive.

Alma 34:32 For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors.

Alma tells me that this life is the time I have to prepare to meet God. I believe it is also the time I have to prepare to be like God, to do what's necessary to develop godly attributes, "to be a partaker of his divine nature, being diligent in adding to my faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity." (2 Peter 1)

If I want to become like Jesus Christ, growth is absolutely fundamental and will not happen if I'm comfortable with my current state of being. It's a necessary part of life. It can be terrifying. It will squeeze you a little and cause some pain. It's doing hard things when we don't want to do them. It's opening your mouth to speak up when you're terrified of public speaking. It's accepting a new calling in church or a job change when your old one was right up your alley. It's being bold when you'd rather sit back and let someone else take charge. It's forgiving when you've been hurt or misunderstood.

Growth or comfort? It really is our choice. And it's not an easy one to make sometimes.

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