30 May 2021

A Long Wait

What a week! Or two! Or ... a few more than that. Sorry about the wait, but it's been a good few weeks. I've said goodbye to Elder Jarman, and I'm now serving in Sloan's Lake. It's an interesting area; the missionaries that were here last transfer were taken out because the members were encouraging them to disobey some mission rules, so we get to go in and reopen the area. It's been good so far; this area has a ton of potential, but I'm still on bike. Seems I'm destined to stay that way my entire mission. Lastly, as I read through the beginning of Helaman, I read how after the wars with the Lamanites there was some contention among the Nephites, but by preaching the gospel they converted thousands which ended the conflicts. This was only possible because the Nephites were "continuously rejoicing" because of the gospel. I have found joy in keeping the commandments. I have found joy in coming to understand the character and love of my Savior. I encourage you to do whatever you need to in order to have that for yourself. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

All my love, 

Elder Leary 

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Nate hasn't been great about keeping us up to date with emails or phone calls. He is serving in a mission where his Leary grandparents have a cousin serving there as a senior couple. They will take photos and post to their blog. I am grateful for them and for any bit of information I can get about Nate. The photo above is a photo I was able to grab from them. I think this was a training meeting for trainers. Maybe he is now a trainer?? Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow in an email or phone call.

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