04 April 2021

Peace and Hope

Last Sunday President Nelson posted a short 5-minute Easter video. In this video he shared a dramatic and unexpected experience he had while traveling on an airplane to the inauguration of a university president where he was to give the opening prayer. Partway through that flight, an engine exploded causing the plane to catch fire. He felt certain he was going to die. But amazingly he felt at peace and was calm. He knew he had been sealed to his wife and children. He knew that in the event of death, he would see them all again. However, the spiral put out the fire and the pilot was able to land the plane, getting President Nelson to his destination not only alive but on time.

Another dramatic, unexpected, and similar experience occurred just a few days after the posting of that video. The Utah Jazz players were on their way to Memphis, and shortly after takeoff, their plane hit a flock of birds causing one engine to lose power. The players heard an explosion as the plane tilted to one side. They say it felt as if the plane was falling apart. Some saw a fire in the engine. No one knew what was going on for 5 to 10 minutes. Many players believed this might be the end for them as they quickly sent last minute texts to family and posted praying hands on their Twitter accounts. 

All ended well. The plane landed safely back in Salt Lake and the team was soon on its way again to Memphis minus a player who was too rattled to get back on a plane.

In comparing these similar stories, President Nelson used the words peace and calm while several Utah Jazz players used the words afraid, scared, helpless. Those are not comforting words. We will all encounter dramatic and unexpected life experiences. Having a knowledge of God's plan and knowing our lives are right with Him will ensure that we will come away from those experiences feeling calm and peaceful and having confidence to get back on that "plane."

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