06 August 2017

King Al

Alex was the lucky kid who got to spend three weeks at Grandma's this summer. (He also got to tag along to Youth Conference when we went back to Grandma's.)

I got to spend that same amount of time with my grandparents while my parents were on a trip to Israel and Grandma Seamons decided to have her hairdresser, Portia, give me a perm. I came away looking less like me and more like little Orphan Annie. Thankfully no such drastic changes were made to Alex.

I'm not sure exactly how Alex came to be dubbed King Al, but Grandpa seems to have a nickname for everyone. While Alex was there he was not doing what he was supposed to . . . telling little white lies . . . not acting as a king should act.

A family home evening lesson ensued where the lesson was about how a good king should behave. Scriptures were read about King Benjamin and King Mosiah. I was impressed when I came to pick Ash up several weeks later and he was able to tell me what he had learned from that lesson.

1. A good king keeps the commandments.
2. A good king is kind.

Good, honest leaders are hard to find. I hope Alex remembers the little lessons that he's taught. It surely does take a village, a family, a community to raise these little people into adult leaders with the power to make a difference in their small section of this world. I'm forever grateful to those around me who help in my parenting endeavors.

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