I've been privy to the information for some time that our ward house was going to be remodeled. None of us expected it to come as soon as it did. We had a fundraiser planned that has now been put on hold. Apparently the Relief Society room was condemned which necessitated us no longer being able to use the building. They had plans already to remodel it somewhat to accommodate the growth in Lake Point.
Our options were to attend a closer ward building at three o'clock or a further building at one o'clock. As a ward council we opted for the closer building. I think we all must have been out of our minds. Thankfully our stake president forgot what we requested and gave us the one o'clock time in Grantsville.
It takes us 20 minutes to get to church and 20 minutes back. One of the blessings is that it is not in the winter time. I really don't mind the commute and I think a lot of teenagers enjoy the extra sleep time.
This past Sunday we pulled into the parking lot right in front of this beautiful tree with all its blossoms. I pulled out my phone and a kind friend was good to get a photo of all of us.
Don't you love how we even color coordinate and look so good under that tree (minus all the shading on our faces).

The drive has given us good conversation. The topic this last week was astrological signs. I started by reading all about Erik. Even though he and Kiersten's birthdays are only 4 days apart, they have different signs. Boy did we have a good laugh.
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