27 December 2016

Blizzards and stud finders

This Christmas will go down in the books as one of the most memorable. With our lives kind of stalemated for the time being, we decided to take Christmas on the road. There was one other Christmas where Santa showed up somewhere other than home and that was a bit tricky. Kids were younger and still believed which necessitated hiding presents. Hiding much bigger presents . . . in the same vehicle we traveled in.

This year . . .

was much easier. Smaller gifts. Less gifts. No need to hide. We traveled with presents wrapped in plain sight.

And Alex still didn't have a clue. At Grandma's he routinely inspected the presents under the tree to see if any were for him and was a little concerned to see one from Santa to Kurtis and it was still Christmas Eve.

The snow settled over our world in large snowflakes all day Christmas Eve. With no place to go, I savored the day clad in warm socks and pjs. I'll just be in charge of pictures.

For Christmas Eve I shared a favorite song "Do You Have Room for the Savior?" found here. And Grandma shared her favorite slippers with grandkids.

Christmas morning was little more fast-paced than I would have preferred, but with Grandpa manning the presents, it was bound to be that way.

I love when Christmas falls on the Sabbath. An hour of worshiping whose birth we celebrate was the perfect culmination to a morning of gift opening.

The ultimate gift had Kiersten's name on it. A stud finder. Those college boys won't know what hit them next year. That grandpa is king of fun.

And even George found a banana with his name on it.

Ash was given a freebie -- sleepover with friends. She has asked nonstop for months. A free gift is kind of hard to ignore.

There were movies and reading and sleepovers and eating and dance offs and game playing. Did I mention eating? I know I gained at least 10 pounds as we ate Thanksgiving-type meals for three days. I may have to implement a fast day this week.

Over the pond and through the woods to the great and spacious . . . tree house where nightly sleepovers were held.

With carpet and surround sound and a tv, that little spot became a favorite haven for a few little people.

Christmas was truly a delight this year. 

These are the days of . . . 
*It only took three different drivers at least 15 tries to get our van up a very snow-packed driveway after church on Christmas Day! Kiersten was the successful summiteer.

*Two lost teeth on the same trip. Alex finally lost his other bottom tooth, and I mean lost. He dropped this one in the snow during a trip down from the tree house. That tooth fairy is gonna think we're pulling his leg. Nothing but excuse letters in place of the actual tooth. And Ash lost one in the van coming home. Shouldn't she be about done with this Tooth Fairy business?

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