28 April 2014

Boston Memorial Run

I signed myself, Kiersten, and Nate up to participate in a fun run put on by Salt Lake Running Company to honor the Boston Marathon. Katie and Ang (and Jacob and Makayla) tagged along too because that's what we like to do.

Here's a tale of two runners as it seems to appear in the photos. I'm in the red, looking at the camera, and my sister, Katie, is next to me in gray. Things seem okay here. Chugging along at the start, trying to get out of the corral.

Now notice her sneer!?? Not sure what I did. Cut her off maybe? Give her an elbow :)

Now she's proceeding to tell me off. I think I'll just ignore her . . . and keep looking at the camera. I didn't REALLY think he was taking pictures or maybe I would have smiled at least once.
Okay, this is totally a made up story. But those looks she was giving me sure made me laugh. I'll have to get her side to my "tale of an angry racer."

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