22 February 2011

Still diligently weighing in

One of my favorite words in the scriptures is diligence. To accomplish anything requires diligence and for the past 8 months since giving birth to Alex I have diligently weighed myself every Tuesday (he was born on a Tuesday and today is exactly his 8 month birthday because we celebrate every month during that first year . . . Happy Birthday to such a cute boy who does cute things all day, every day).

Now that I've gotten past that digression, onto my weight issues. I gained more pounds with Alex than any other child and I knew it would be hard to get them off. I never really lost all my pounds with Ashlyn. For the first 6 months I made a conscientious effort to really watch what I ate and try to fit some exercise in.

I went to the hospital weighing 183, came home weighing 174, finally plateaued at 160, and from there is was much harder to lose. BUT I remained diligent and continued to lose about a pound a week until Christmas. Between Christmas and New Years I gained a pound and I wasn't too heartbroken about that.

However, the last 2 months have been a challenge. I only have 3 pounds to lose to get to my pre-baby weight and would love to lose an additional 6 but I have consistently stayed there week after week.

I was starting to get discouraged until I realized the other day that I had lost my diligence in watching what I ate. We have brownies, I eat them. We have candy, I eat it. We have ice cream, I've got my big bowl and spoon. So here's to better diligence in tracking and watching what I eat (my little sister showed my a website that aids in tracking what you eat and it really helped me in the beginning to see how many calories were in certain foods). I really believe healthy eating is the key to weight loss.

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