10 September 2010

Feelin' a little free

I knew this week I would be turning over the Stansbury Park Community Association newsletter to the new editor.

I was also planning on turning over my treasurer duties I've been doing for the past 3 years.

What I didn't know was I would be released from Primary.

Last Friday Karen, the Primary president, stopped by to tell me she felt I should be released and that it would probably happen Sunday. When it did happen I had a wave of emotion come over me. I will miss Primary but am excited to go back to Relief Society although a little strange to be released with no other calling. I've been in Primary for 8 1/2 years of the last 10. I honestly was not expecting it. We've been together as a presidency for over 3 years; I thought they'd redo the Primary presidency when I move in a month of two. At our last presidency meeting I voiced my opinion of being done with Primary. It was a bad day and I was feeling very stressed and MENTALLY tired. Stansbury Days were coming up where I had obligations; Nate needed a birthday party even if it was 3 weeks late; there were doctor's appointments between Alex and Nate; the house building was going full force with decisions that needed to be made YESTERDAY; my current house was a disaster because of summer break and my lack of ever being home to keep it clean; and I was supposed to be putting together a quarterly activity. I just couldn't do it and told Karen so.

BUT NOW . . . kids are back in school and my house stays cleaner; I've quit the Stansbury Community board and handed over my responsibilities there; Nate got his party; there are still decisions to be made on the house, but they are getting fewer. Staying in Primary would be no problem. Heck, I'm not even doing the program this year (I was VERY smart to switch with the other counselor at the beginning of the year). That definitely would have made me one crazy lady.

So now I have no real responsibilities and I kind of like it. For a little while anyway. I've still got a lot to keep me busy. Who knew building a house could be so time consuming? :)
Flowers from the Primary presidency as a thank you. Aren't they gorgeous?!


mommaquincy said...

I have loved teaching Primary! This week they are moving me to the nursery! Doesn't get more relaxed than that! I'm sure the Lord has the perfect calling in mind for you!

Missy said...

Probably not until we move and that could be a couple of months still. I offered to be a permanent sub in Primary. We are always in need of substitutes.