10 October 2009

The Ultimate Oops

 Yep! We committed one of the most terrifying crimes a parent could be guilty of . . . forgetting your child.

Tyler and I have been shopping homes and looking through many model homes trying to get a feel for the different builders and layouts.

Today we were headed to Farmington to look at a model and had entered the freeway busily discussing a certain layout when Erik pipes up from the back that Nathan is not with us. We were stunned and shocked.

Unfortunately the next exit was about 5 miles down the road. We called the next-door neighbor and he kindly checked on Nate and gave him a popsicle while he waited for us to come back.

The sad thing is he had entered the garage just as the door was closing and had tried to flag us down. So he waited probably a half hour for us to come home.

Poor kid. He thought he was stuck at home til we came back later in the evening. We assured him nothing is more important than him. And if we had gotten all the way to Farmington, we would have turned right around and come back.


Linda said...

My parents left me at least two times. I always knew they would be back to get me.

When Jared was in Kindergarten we switched schools. I was all set to pick him up on early day when I got a phone call asking who would be picking him up. I let his teacher know that it was me and she said, "Did you know school got out half an hour ago?" I was going to pick him up in half an hour =). I felt so bad and I kept telling him how sorry I was and how much I loved him. Finally he said, "Why do you keep saying sorry?"

Thank goodness kids are so forgiving.

mommaquincy said...

We left Matthew Tonks at our house while we went to a Primary Activity for over an hour! I think he was about 5.