20 September 2009

Please refer to this blog post --

I regret to say I grumbled and complained A LOT even though I vowed last year I wouldn't do it. I had no ambition to do a Primary program this year and procrastinated very badly. Our theme this year was My Eternal Family and I knew I wanted the program to be presented in families instead of classes. In the previous two years I've decided not to have everyone "say" a part. This year I knew everyone would need a speaking part if we were going to have it presented the way I wanted it. I tried writing a program and got as much as a 1/2 page and finally consulted the internet where I came across a program that was written much better than I could ever hope to do and was basically what I wanted to accomplish. Some people just have a talent for such things. I am not one of them. Thank you lindblomaubrey on the Primary Page at Yahoo Groups.

It really did go well. The kids sang great, the program flowed fairly smoothly, and we ended on time (even with almost 100 kids speaking). And I'm breathing a little more easily tonight thinking there will be no more nightmares of chaotic Primary programs.

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

congrats! Our's isn't until Nov. 15h. We have about 25 kids and each has 2 or 3 speaking parts!